Monday, March 18, 2019

Wolves of Yellowstone

Wolf ~ Moss Agate

Many minerals and gemstones are thought to have certain healing or health properties. Moss Agate is a stone composed of Chalcedony. It is most closely associated with creating balance in your life, though certainly not the only stone that is said to aid us in doing so. Just to name a few, Carnelian, Citrine, Mahogany Obsidian, Mookaite, Orange Aventurine, Orange Calcite, Sunstone, and Tigers Eye also promote balance. Perhaps this is because balance is a part of life that we really struggle with. How many of us can't seem to balance work and home life; healthy eating and exercise; me-time and selflessness; strength and flexibility? It only takes one small action to knock ourselves off balance. The earth possesses the same quality.

In 1962, the last wolves were killed in Yellowstone. People didn't like sharing the land with the wolves because of the threat they posed to their livestock and livelihood. After the wolves were extirpated elk populations began to soar. The elk destroyed river systems and transformed woods into grassland. From that point the ecosystem began to fall apart one piece at a time. In 1995, biologists recognized the deteriorating environment and decided to reintroduce wolves to Yellowstone. The return of the top predator brought balance back to Yellowstone. Still to this day, the park is healing. Slowly and gradually Yellowstone is putting itself back together.

To celebrate balance in our lives and in our world I would like to share with you Wolf ~Moss Agate.

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