Monday, April 8, 2019

Beware the Sea Monsters

 Look out it is sea monster time! Pirates beware of the kraken (and black spots). Narnians better be careful when sailing the sea I hear there be sea serpents. If you are planning a visit to New York watch out for gigantic sharks. And for all of you non-believers of sea monster folklore allow me to introduce you to the Hippocampus. This name originates from the Greek words "horse" and "sea monster." In scientific terms, this is the genus name for the sea horse.  
Sea horses are certainly not the most intimidating of sea monsters, but they are amazing creatures. You really don't have to cautious of these little guys because even though they are a fish they are terribly slow swimmers and not dangerous to humans at all. On the other hand humans are particularly dangerous to sea horses, or at least our trash is. Ocean debris affects all sea life including our favorite little sea monster. 

Here are three things you can do to minimize ocean debri

1. Use reusable grocery bags
You've probably heard this one before but just do it. Sometimes you don't even need bags simply load your groceries back into the cart and take them to your car.

2.  Avoid products with excess packaging
Fruit already comes with nature made packaging (the peel) so don't buy them in plastic containers.

3. Bring your own reusable water bottle
Drinking water is great make sure its good for the environment too.

My little sea monsters are available for purchase on the Shop Sewing page. Baby seahorses are included.

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