Monday, October 7, 2019

Stand Tall

Adelie Penguin ~ Angelwings
WCN Fall 2019 Collection
There are 18 species of penguins living in Antarctica. Of these species, the Adelie penguin is the smallest, but these little buggers can pack a punch. Penguins of any species don't look very tough. They walk rather funny and are exceptionally cute, but they have a lot to go up against. Of course, global climate change is a challenge however on a daily basis penguins face predators, competitors, and even nosy scientists. The Adelie penguin being the smallest deals with all the above. Despite the obvious difficulties you will not catch the Adelie penguin cowering in fear. They are unafraid to fend off their rock nests, and protect their colony from attacking seals, shorebirds and the occasional researcher that got to close. With a good slap of their flipper these feisty little birds send their enemies seeking easier targets.
I don not suggest going around slapping your enemies but I do propose we take a leaf from the Adelie penguin's book. Take courage and don't allow others to push you around. Your enemies want you to feel small, so always remember the Adelie penguin is the smallest in the crowd too, but they never let that stop them.

Monday, September 30, 2019

Lift Where You Stand

African Wild Dog ~ Petrified Vine
WCN 2019 Collection
The African wild dog looks on as one of her pups struggles in a snare. She knows he can't break free and she knows she cannot help him but that doesn't stop her from trying. Even with every mouth biting at the trap it does not break. Suddenly a vehicle pulls up kicking dust in her face. She and her family scatters, except the pup in the snare. Unwilling to leave him behind, the African wild dog and her family circle the parked vehicle. Shots ring out. What is  happening?!
Slowly the African wild dog realizes her pup is no longer hopelessly tangled. He is free. her whole family is free. She turns but all she sees is the dust settling from the departing vehicle. The humans set her pup free.

I only imagine that scenes like this must take place all across Africa. I hear conservation stories from on the ground projects; real people are making a real difference for the African wild dogs. Stories like these help me find my courage to make a difference. Deiter Uchtdorf once said, "to lift where you stand." Wherever you are in the world you have the power and the courage inside you to help someone in need.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Be Dazzled

Zebra Pair ~ Petrified Wood
WCN Fall 2019 Collection
Did you know a group of zebras is sometimes called a dazzle? It is true, a group of zebras crossing the African savanna or even lounging in the shade of an acacia tree is quite dazzling - believe me.
I remember, stepping out into the hot Johannesburg  sunlight after my mad sprint across the airport to catch my last plane to Namibia. The heat was absolutely oppressive and I was shocked. I remember riding in the taxi van out the the Cheetah Conservation Center and being thankful for the air conditioning. But better than any air conditioning was the scenery. The very first African wildlife I saw was a baboon. I certainly was dazzled even though my traveling companions assure me baboons would be one of the more common wildlife sightings. I remember sitting in my first intern meeting just grinning ear to ear.
The presenter looked at me and asked rather gruffly, "why are you smiling?"
All I could think to say was, "because I'm happy." It was true. I was happy.
I remember my first safari. I gazed around wide eyed trying to absorb every detail to be stored in my memory for a time when I needed some joy.
My safari guide turned to me and said, "Is this your first time in Africa." It was a statement not a question. He could tell from my enthusiasm. But even after all the firsts became seconds I continued to wonder in awe. Every day I was like a child, always smiling, always exploring, permanently dazzled.
I wonder when was the last time you were truly dazzled? Today find something to smile about and allow yourself to be dazzled, to love and live in the moment, to be a child and find your enthusiasm once more. Today go create a memory that will always remind you of the joys of life.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Create the World You Want to Live In

Lioness and Cub
I don’t know if you’ve heard, but today is global climate strike change. People all around the world are standing up and speaking out to help protect our planet. It’s not just the polar bears and penguins facing the consequences of climate change. All across the globe communities and wildlife alike are suffering. For example Africa (along with many other places) is burning up. Fires kill and destroy regardless of age, species, or endangered status.

Dr. Jane Goodall believes it is nit too late; we can still make a difference. I believe she’s right, his why.

1. Today is global climate strike, people across the globe are demanding change
2. Conservation is working, in the last decade tiger populations in India increased by %20
3. You are reading this now

More important than any scientific study or conservation program is your decision to make a difference. It’s up to each one of us to create the world we want to live in.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Something New Something Wonderful

Custom marker art available upon request
I used to say, “I can’t draw people.” Whenever I say, “I can’t,” my mom tells me “I can’t ” stands for “I certainly am not trying.” (You see each first letter matches.) as usual mom was right. For the longest time I had self-imposed boundaries. I told myself I wasn’t able and I believed it.
One day I got some illustration markers with my birthday money. The challenge of trying something new lit me on fire and I couldn’t help it, I was up past midnight just drawing. That’s when this drawing emerged. When I paint on rocks the rocks tell me what to paint. This time the markers dictated every line and color. On the paper I walk with one of my bestest friends.

 When you try something new you may find something wonderful. After all that is how I first found my friend. NEVER limit yourself. You are free to live your life, dream your dreams and find love. ALWAYS believe that something wonderful is waiting fir you.

Sunday, June 30, 2019

The Heel of the Bread

Black-Backed Jackal ~ Jasper
Will Be For Sale at the Shorty’s Garden of Arts Sale July 12th

You know that feeling you get when you go to make a sandwich and the heel is the only bread you have left from the loaf? I’m sure you do because, despite what my grandma will tell you, the heel is NOT the best part of the bread. Sooner or later you must come to the end of the loaf. You know the inevitable is coming but that doesn’t make swallowing the dry crust any easier. So what do you do about it?

Unfortunately this feeling of disappointment is not confined to facing the heel of the bread. The feeling resurfaces in seemingly every aspect of life. When life gives you lemons it’s a prime time to make lemonade but what do you do when life gives you the heel of the bread?

While we mull this question over, I just have to say that I don’t harbor any negative feelings when I het the heel from one of the rocks Grandpa slices. Grandpa can’t use the end piece if the rock because they often too fragile and fractured to make jewelry. The value of the end piece isn’t discovered in creating beautiful necklaces, but in painting beautiful pictures. Is this the case with our heel of bread too?

Has Anyone Told You...

Swan~Angel Wings 
I think most people are familiar with the story of the ugly duckling. Just to recap, the ugly duckling is teased and ridiculed because he is different. He wonders why he doesn’t fit in. Then he learns he is actually a beautiful swan.

Has anyone told you that you too are beautiful? You are certainly not ugly. Even if you feel you are the odd one out, you are beautiful in every sense of the word. More important than anything I can say, have you told yourself that you are beautiful?

Sometimes believing in your own beauty is the harder battle to win. The mean and horrible lies other people tell you can have a negative influence on your life but what you tell yourself can either hand the power to them or give you the power to be the beautiful swan you are. You get to choose.

If you feel that you aren’t a swan, you are just an ordinary duck, then you go and be the most amazing duck you can be. The good news is, God loves the ducks just as much as he loves the swans, because both are his creations. Both a created perfectly in their own way and so are you.

Stand Tall

Adelie Penguin ~ Angelwings WCN Fall 2019 Collection There are 18 species of penguins living in Antarctica. Of these species, the Adeli...