Monday, September 30, 2019

Lift Where You Stand

African Wild Dog ~ Petrified Vine
WCN 2019 Collection
The African wild dog looks on as one of her pups struggles in a snare. She knows he can't break free and she knows she cannot help him but that doesn't stop her from trying. Even with every mouth biting at the trap it does not break. Suddenly a vehicle pulls up kicking dust in her face. She and her family scatters, except the pup in the snare. Unwilling to leave him behind, the African wild dog and her family circle the parked vehicle. Shots ring out. What is  happening?!
Slowly the African wild dog realizes her pup is no longer hopelessly tangled. He is free. her whole family is free. She turns but all she sees is the dust settling from the departing vehicle. The humans set her pup free.

I only imagine that scenes like this must take place all across Africa. I hear conservation stories from on the ground projects; real people are making a real difference for the African wild dogs. Stories like these help me find my courage to make a difference. Deiter Uchtdorf once said, "to lift where you stand." Wherever you are in the world you have the power and the courage inside you to help someone in need.

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