Monday, April 29, 2019

Catching Happiness

"The least I can do is speak out for those who cannot speak for themselves."  - Jane Goodall

I woke up with a snap. I didn't have to look at the clock to know we were late. I am a pro at speedy morning prep. It takes me no time at all to get dressed, brush my teeth, and braid my hair. I have even paired down the time it takes me to care for the animals.

 After hurrying to select a t-shirt, I rushed out my bedroom door. If I was stressed about oversleeping before, what waited for me in the kitchen horrified me even more. There was ... nothing. Not a soul in sight! I guess I wasn't the only one who slept in.

I raced up the stairs three at a time only to find my little sister still sleeping in bed. Oh no! She takes forever to get ready in the morning. At least Mom was up but she had evidently not been paying attention to the time either. We had 20 minutes before the event began. Twenty minutes until the walk for the Humane Society.

This year's walk for the Southwest Washington Humane Society is this weekend. I am determined not to be late. The annual walk for the animals is one of our favorite traditions. If I have learned anything from my dog, I learned to find joy in other's happiness. It seems my dog lives to make people smile. We may not get to see the smiles our walk will bring but I believe we are making a difference in some animal's life.

Elder Neil L. Anderson taught us to ask "what can I give?" instead of asking "what will I get?" I found that true happiness is captured in giving. Happiness is a dish best shared.

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