Friday, September 20, 2019

Create the World You Want to Live In

Lioness and Cub
I don’t know if you’ve heard, but today is global climate strike change. People all around the world are standing up and speaking out to help protect our planet. It’s not just the polar bears and penguins facing the consequences of climate change. All across the globe communities and wildlife alike are suffering. For example Africa (along with many other places) is burning up. Fires kill and destroy regardless of age, species, or endangered status.

Dr. Jane Goodall believes it is nit too late; we can still make a difference. I believe she’s right, his why.

1. Today is global climate strike, people across the globe are demanding change
2. Conservation is working, in the last decade tiger populations in India increased by %20
3. You are reading this now

More important than any scientific study or conservation program is your decision to make a difference. It’s up to each one of us to create the world we want to live in.

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