Sunday, June 30, 2019

Has Anyone Told You...

Swan~Angel Wings 
I think most people are familiar with the story of the ugly duckling. Just to recap, the ugly duckling is teased and ridiculed because he is different. He wonders why he doesn’t fit in. Then he learns he is actually a beautiful swan.

Has anyone told you that you too are beautiful? You are certainly not ugly. Even if you feel you are the odd one out, you are beautiful in every sense of the word. More important than anything I can say, have you told yourself that you are beautiful?

Sometimes believing in your own beauty is the harder battle to win. The mean and horrible lies other people tell you can have a negative influence on your life but what you tell yourself can either hand the power to them or give you the power to be the beautiful swan you are. You get to choose.

If you feel that you aren’t a swan, you are just an ordinary duck, then you go and be the most amazing duck you can be. The good news is, God loves the ducks just as much as he loves the swans, because both are his creations. Both a created perfectly in their own way and so are you.

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