Friday, January 4, 2019

The Lion, The Witch, and The... No Just The Lion

Lioness ~ Picture Jasper
For some people the lion is just another animal. For others it is a wise being that helps defeat an endless winter. Perhaps for you a lion most properly represents the circle of life. Or whenever you think of a lion the lyrics to  "In the Jungle" get stuck in your head. Maybe, its not the lion at all that holds meaning for you; instead its a lion tattoo appearing on the arm of true love. As for me, the lion symbolizes the power of family (and the Hogwarts house of Gryffindor).

Lions hunt in prides and actually its the females that do the hunting. With more lionesses working together the likelihood of catching something is significantly higher but it also means that whatever you catch has to be big enough to share. As a result, lionesses don't go for a little mongoose. Working together also means more help raising cubs, more eyes watching your back, and more friends to relax with when the work is done (after all lions sleep for 2/3 of their day). From this little tiny glimpse of a day in the life of a lioness I draw three main lessons.

  1. work smarter not harder
  2. share often
  3. always surround yourself with good people

Most important out of the three to me is the one. Without my friends and family I wouldn't be sharing my paintings with you now. Today take a page from the book of a lioness and go connect with some good friends. Remember even the most cowardly lions can be brave. 

Lioness ~ Picture Jasper is another of the WCN 2018 Fall Collection and is no longer available. However if you would like a lion or lioness of your own please comment on  the Shop Painting page.

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