Saturday, February 23, 2019

Cat Bowls, Cats and Bowls, Bowl Cats

This happy little cat bowl makes me smile. It reminds me of my little furry friends except this one doesn't male a mess in the litter box for me to clean up. But stinky littler boxes aside I love being owned by my cats. I here that having cats is also very good for you health. Stroking a cat lowers your blood pressure, reducing stress (who doesn't need that). Purring has a calming affect. Caring for an animal gives people a sense of purpose. Cats catch pests like mice. Growing up with cats strengthens a child's immune system. Best of all they give you love. 

This little kitty checking out my eared cat bowl is Mango. Mango has a special story. He was born with a cleft palate. He could not suckle and the vet said there was not chance he would survive. I didn't listen and decided to care for him myself. I tube fed him every two hours day and night. 

Because of Mango I learned how to give my whole heart, even if I wouldn't have him for long. From Mango's litter mates I learned another lesson about love. Mango was obviously smaller, usually covered in food, and his face looked a little funny. But the other kittens didn't mind. They never excluded Mango from their games and sometimes I noticed they even slowed down so he could keep up. They never picked on him, but were always gentle and ready to defend him if anything should threaten their little brother. And I thought how important it is for us to treat others with the same kind of love and kindness. 

I am happy to say the vet turned out to be wrong. I still have Mango to this day and he is both happy and healthy. Could it be the power of love that saved him? A wise old wizard named Dumbledore once said love is the most powerful magic of all. I believe it. 

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