Monday, March 4, 2019

Looking Back

Caracal ~ Picture Jasper
"The only time you should ever look back is to see how far you have come." I can't remember who said that to me but I have never forgotten it. There is always so much to look forward to and life is so worth living. Yet, here is a look back at where I have come from. These are some of my Original paintings from my college days. You can even see my ugly wooden desk in the background.

My grandpa is very passionate about rocks. He and I agree you can never have too many rocks (Grandma begs to differ.) He even has this amazing machine that slices our rocks into slabs. It was his idea that I paint on these rock slabs like a canvas. To be honest, at first I doubted it would work. Then I remembered the advice, "forget all the reasons why it won't work and remember the one reason it will." Good advice really. So I moved forward with the idea.

Paint Horse ~ from Mt. Saint Helens 
Just look where I am now! All along the way my grandpa was there. I paint my rocks and Grandpa makes jewelry with his. We took our creations to farmers markets on the weekends to sell our work. He was always quick to brag about my artwork. Many times Grandpa told me I was going to be a famous artist. He always believed in me. 

Lion ~ Root Beer Obsidian
 Often I didn't believe in me. I wasn't so sure people would like my artwork. My grandpas belief was always sufficient to get me through those times. But for a long time I painted for myself and for my family. Maybe I was a little afraid of failure. Let me tell you now, "never let fear of failure stop you from doing what you love." I think Emma Watson said that one and she was right.

I am not sure where I would be if I had let fear of failure stop me from sharing my paintings. Certainly I would not be doing what I am now. A friend of mine told me there is a certain kind of magic that happens when we follow our gift.

Horse ~ Petrified Wood
Snow Leopard ~ Black Opal

Today I look back and say "thank you" to everyone and everything that has made me who I am today. It has been a long journey with a few uncomfortable twists and turns.I have no idea what lies ahead but I am optimistic that it will be amazing. Life has a tendency to dish out the most surprising entrees. Sometimes it isn't pleasant and sometimes you are made to starve. But in the end the dessert is always worth waiting for.

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