Thursday, December 20, 2018

Sisters and Skirts

Having sisters is the best thing in the world. It means you always have a friend... forever and always. It means you always have someone to laugh with, play with, or sometimes fight with. Yes, I suppose being a sister isn't always sunshine and rainbows. Inadvertently, being a sister includes being the punchline of the joke or even the punching bag for angry tirades. It also seems that you must have a built-in "favor" section on your to-do list which comes in handy if you need some help. This time, my little sister, Heather, was the one requesting a favor.

My little sis asked me for some  new winter skirts to wear on Sunday. She keeps growing out of her old ones. Some day Heather might even pass me up, but I keep telling her that isn't going to happen if she doesn't eat her vegetables. Besides, growing taller than me isn't a very BIG accomplishment as I am only 5' 1''.  At any rate, this was one favor I was happy to oblige. Get out the sewing machine! Time to start crafting!

Seeking for some inspiration, I asked Heather to pick out some fabric choices. When she came to me holding purple and pink cotton with cartoon cats on it, and a very old piece of mildly fuzzy leopard print, I knew I was on my own. My sister was going to go to church in style!

I dug around in the fabric closet. I didn't even get lost in the bottomless boxes of scraps because what I need was right on top. With a flourish of a brilliant idea, I emerged from the closet carrying a Pendleton Woolen Mills green and red plaid. It was perfect for Christmas time and plenty cozy for the winter weather. I almost did get lost in the pit of patterns but I eventually found what I was looking for.

I got to work straight away. A few hours and a Christmas movie later my finished product was ready to take my little sister to the top of the fashion stars... er... I mean take her to church.

Isn't she cute?

And now for some close up details...
Front View

Side View

During our photo shoot Heather found a new friend. Yes, that is a garter snake she is holding. That smile is not fake.  As always you can find the Christmas Skirt on my Shop Sewing page. Heather recommends this skirt.

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