Monday, January 14, 2019

Snakes, and a Lesson on Becoming

Cedar Waxwing ~ Serpentine 
Cedar Waxwings are one of my favorite birds and Serpentine is one of my favorite stones. Serpentine is so named for its green snakelike appearance. In healing folklore, Serpentine also draws its power from the snake. Snakes represent a regenerative power of rebirth reflected in the  shedding of their skin. 

While serving my mission in Croatia I was drawn by an exhibit titled " Cudesan Svijet Zmija" (The Miraculous World of Snakes). There, I met a very dear friend who taught me a special lesson. He said  often, snakes are perceived as the villain from a religious point of view. But to my friend, a snake represent repentance or change for the better. Like snakes we can shed our old skin and become a better person today than we were yesterday. Instead of drawing my energy to change from stone I find my strength to change in Jesus Christ.

Me holding a snake at the "Cudesan Svijet Zmija"
Can you tell I love snakes?

Whatever you believe, I invite you to become the person you want to be. Your first step starts today.

Cedar Waxwing ~ Serpentine is sold but you can still purchase this painting as it is featured in my calendar. Visit my Shop Painting page to order your own calendar.

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