Monday, December 31, 2018

New Year's Resolutions and Keeping Them

A year ago I made a resolution to publish Wonder Worm. Done. I just completed that resolution. It's not too late, you can finish yours too. Nike has been promoting the secret to accomplishing resolutions for years "just do it." So after a year of waiting that's what I just did. Wonder Worm has officially made his debut. Who is Wonder Worm? Well, let me introduce you to him.

Wonder Worm was a story problem in my twin's and my 3rd grade math book. You can imagine the type of math he solved (there are 5 homes with 3 bugs in each family. Wonder Worm saves 4 homes from a fire. How many bugs does he save? Something like that). I never liked math but I loved Wonder Worm. My twin loved him too.

For a long time Wonder Worm was an imaginary friend resting in the back of our minds. Whenever a worm was unearthed in our vegetable garden or was forced to the surface by torrential rain we remembered Wonder Worm and thought how happy he must have made the bugs he saved. Years later my twin and I sat in a college history lecture. The only assignment we had for the class was to write an essay; no tests, no other homework. Our professor told us herself she didn't mind if we brought knitting or some other craft to do while we listened. If you've ever seen my attempts at making wash clothes you know I cannot knit to save my life (thank you mom for accepting my malformed wash clothes anyway). We decided to find something to occupy our minds instead taking notes that we would never actually use. Thus, Wonder Worm was born!

During class, we would draw Wonder Worm cartoons and pass them back and forth to each other, trying very hard not to giggle. Suddenly, Wonder Worm transformed from an imaginary being to a character  that would bring smiles wherever he went. If my twin needed some encouragement Wonder Worm would come crawling along. If I was about to embark on a potentially scary adventure Wonder Worm went with me. Now we present him to you. I hope you'll join us for the ride and always remember to keep smiling, because that is what Wonder Worm does.

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