Monday, March 25, 2019

Less than 80

Save the Rhino foundation wrote, "It’s shocking that today, three of the five species of rhino are Critically Endangered, and two of them have fewer than 80 animals left in the wild.

The good news is that together we can stop poaching and habitat loss so that in 20 years’ time, rhinos will no longer be near extinction. But we need to act now."

My question is "How?"  How can I possibly save an animal that has almost been poached into extinction? I can't stop poachers. I can't stop the people that want to buy the rhino horns. Is there any hope for an animal that has fewer than 80 individuals left? YES! There is hope! Here on the other side of the world I can make a difference. You can make a difference. We can save the rhinos. 

One thing we can do is help support conservation programs financially. They need help paying for anti-poaching, and educational programs. I challenge you to raise funds for our rhinos. Every penny counts. But even if you don't have a penny to spare you can still make a difference. Learn more about the rhinos and share what you know. The world needs to know what the rhinos are up against.

I was doing some reading myself about the five remaining rhinos. I was appalled and disgusted to see the horrific things poachers do to make a buck. I was also surprised to see that two of the most endangered rhino species don't have much of a horn to poach. The Sumatran Rhino barely has a horn at all. I cannot say that I was surprised to read that their demise is due to the cultivation of palm oil. Please do not be fooled by sustainable palm oil. There are no set standards for sustainable palm oil. Farmers with low biodiversity on their lands can claim "sustainability." Whether the farmers created that low biodiversity using snare traps or not does not matter.

People can argue that by boycotting palm oil we put farmers out of a job. But do we buy rhino horns to make sure poachers stay in business? After all poaching is there livelihood. No, of course not! By purchasing palm oil we are supporting the demise of our most endangered rhinos. Now is the time to act. Lets save the rhino together.

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