Monday, April 1, 2019

Dog Backpacks

Aspyn Modeling her Dog Backpack
On the white board where I work there is a list of "Dog Backpack" items. This is the term we use for our "to do" list. On my first day of work, I asked why? Simple, according to Caesar, the famous dog whisperer, dogs are the most content when they have work to do (like carrying a backpack). At work, we assume the principle is the same for humans. So when we have spare time at work we always have a dog backpack item to work on. (In case you are wondering my current dog backpack is library inventory). In contrast with our work vocabulary, "dog backpack" means something very different back home. At home a dog backpack is literally a dog backpack.  

My dog, Aspyn, and I love to go play outside. In preparation for back packing season I designed a pack for  my pup. On one of those rare sunny days, we took the dog backpack out for a test run. 

In this case I have to agree with Caesar, my dog loved her backpack. She was practically grinning ear the ear. I was pretty happy with how it turned out too. The backpack never even tried to abandon ship. We made it all the way up and back down the hillside backpack, dog, and human in tact. 

We cannot wait for our first backpacking trip together. What are you summer plans? If there is a dog backpack required I do make them custom order to fit. We hope to see you on the trail!


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